Bold Abilities
In a world where living beyond a hundred is becoming more common, how can assistive devices do more than just serve a function? Bold Abilities is a design research journey led by Aurore Brard, who believes that independent living aids can evolve from symbols of limitation into sources of empowerment and self-expression.
Starting in 2025, Aurore will work closely with users, manufacturers, and innovators through interviews, surveys, and AI-generated visuals. She aims to listen and learn from their experiences and dreams for the future. Through this collaboration, she’ll build a series of vivid scenarios that imagine how assistive aids might look, feel, and function in 2050—combining practicality, identity, and customization.
This first phase focuses on gathering knowledge, exploring current trends, and shaping personalized visions for tomorrow’s devices. The result will be ten distinct scenarios, each supported by visual and narrative elements, reflecting a broad spectrum of possibilities for assistive technology.
Are you a user, a manufacturer, a supplier, or an innovator in the assisted living aid sector? Your insights matter. Take just two minutes to share your thoughts, or apply for a more in-depth interview to help shape one of these future scenarios.
This project is supported by Stimuleringsfonds Creative Industrie