Portrait during Milan design week 2018 by Reporter Wing tan.

Aurore Brard is an inclusive product and service designer.

She wants to make a positive impact on the daily life of a wider audience. Not limiting design to a standard user, who isn’t the representation of all the people that would actually use your service, product or platform. Our society is rich in its diversity. Design is a tool that can make us go forward, without systematically excluding some of us. Let’s involve more people to bring autonomy and comfort to more than the “average user”.
Aurore Brard believes that inclusive design can bring well-being to more people. 

She can connect very easily with people from different backgrounds. That’s how she can get to understand their specific needs. Within collaborations, Aurore Brard sets a priority to good communication with the different stakeholders involved. Without forgetting the end-user who has a key role in the project development. Her network enables her to work as a team with flexible skills depending on the nature of the project.

Inclusive design: Redefining standards for a wider audience.

Social: Empathic attitude turned towards the other to improve their situation for the common benefit.

Norms: standards-based on behaviours and contexts that should ideally be accessible for everyone without excluding certain groups.

Intuition: Built-in aptitude, an innate knowledge, needless for explanations.

Affordance: Accessibility to the understanding of an object’s capacity, use and function.

Dignity: Due to all, liberty of decision regarding the needs that guarantee the independence and autonomy of anyone.